Some people just don’t “get” dust jackets. Naysayers consider them a superfluous obstruction to the book they are trying to read. And depending on how the book is bound – and the content of its cover – that may very well be true. For example, a spiral-bound product report for interoffice use, most likely, does not need a dust jacket. But, for many case-bound (or hard cover) books, a dust jacket is not only a functional necessity, but an indicator of quality and care envisioned by its authors.

We’ve all been told time and time again not to judge a book by its cover, at least figuratively speaking. It turns out, however, that when we are actually talking about books – that’s not always the case.

Consider the myriad advantages a dust jacket delivers:

  • Dust jackets – particularly those with a glossy or soft touch matte finish – protect most of your book from normal wear and tear, save for the top edges.
  • Glossy dust jackets help deflect spills, allowing liquids to be quickly wiped clean without soaking and ruining a book’s pages.
  • Simple stains – such as rings left by (improperly) using a book as an impromptu coaster, and gooey price sticker remnants – can often be easily removed from a dust jacket using a damp rag and a mild cleaning solution.
  • A dust jacket provides your book with one of its only opportunities – if not the only opportunity when using a cloth wrapped cover – to showcase eye-catching color and design. Be sure to maximize this potential with captivating art and design.
  • Dust jackets ultimately contribute to a book’s value. In fact, many bookstores and resellers will not sell books that are missing the jacket. While the words inside may still be priceless, the book’s value on the market – not to mention its collectability – is rendered virtually nonexistent.

Case bound books printed by Gasch Printing are attractive and durable especially when paired with a protective dust jacket with a matte or glossy laminate.

Rest assured, quality control is built into every step of a Gasch print job, and everything – from your first page to your dust jacket – is handled under one roof. Not only that, but Gasch offers more bang for your book’s buck. We pride ourselves on helping customers realize big dreams – and the highest quality possible – on a modest budget. And we are not publishers, so customers keep 100% of the profits when they sell their books.

Are you ready to start? Take the first steps toward a quality, finished book today. Contact Gasch Printing.